Your Body Lives Your Story
Energy Medicine to Heal Your Storymaker

Published by Horse Mountain Press

“This is a book that can change your life.”
-Donna Eden, energy medicine pioneer

With all the competing narratives coming at us these days, it’s easy to lose the plot! And in a flood of information overload, your STORYMAKER—the mechanism used by body, mind, and spirit to weave meaning—can no longer serve you. In this insightful book, Ellen Meredith introduces you to the care and feeding (and the healing and evolution) of this little-known energy system.

Offering rich stories, explorations, and original energy medicine techniques, Your Body Lives Your Story teaches you how to communicate and play with your Storymaker to discern your own truth. When you can participate creatively in crafting the energy stories that frame your lived experiences, you can deeply heal your body, mind, and spirit.

Available February 28 at Amazon, and from your favorite bookstores.



Free 8 Video Class
Intro: Understanding the Energetics of Virus

In the face of pandemic (or any flu season), what can you do to strengthen your resistance to virus, to get through illness more lightly and easily, or to recover once a virus has visited?

Using Energy Medicine for Coronavirus Symptoms:
One week after using Ellen’s exercises I felt I had recovered physically and energy-wise. I loved Ellen’s program! In this short video I tell you why.
–Ingrid de Geus, Netherlands

Click here to learn more about my 7-week video course!

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Meet Ellen Meredith

Ellen Meredith is probably one of the most down-to-earth woo-woos you can find!

Her goal is to help you activate your own inner guidance and recognize your unique gifts and purpose.  She has been in training with her inner teachers since 1978 and is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner. 

Ellen offers channeled readings, hands-on and on-line energy medicine sessions, live and videotaped classes, coaching and training for energy healing practitioners, and is the author of an array of goodies that will help you dialogue with your energies and cultivate well-being in your body, mind, and spirit.  LEARN MORE...

Check These Out:
@ Download:  Free copy of Ellen’s ebook, Seeking Guidance Within.
Coaching Corner.  Ellen will choose from questions submitted and post a video or mp3 responding in a way that speaks to the issues collectively.
Group coaching also available.
@ More: Learn Ellen’s unique style of energy medicine via DVD or streamed courses.

In February, 2020, Donna Eden, energy medicine pioneer, sat down with Ellen Meredith to discuss Ellen’s book, The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-healing with Energy Medicine. (New World Library, 2020)


Play with your intuition using The Do-It-Yourself Divination Tool. This interactive application was designed by Ellen to help you explore intuitive readings for yourself. Give it a try! It's fun and easy!



 Check the Classes listings for offerings near you or contact Ellen to arrange a workshop in your area.  

Join Ellen's Email List and get her free download,
"Seeking Guidance Within."




Promoting individual, community and global awareness.
Contact: Ellen Meredith
Energy Wisdom™ © 2012 - 2025 Ellen Meredith

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and get a free Ebook,
Seeking Guidance Within.